Write High Quality Content for Your Business In Seconds

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PromptROI Live Demo:

Join Co-Founder Keith Carpenter for a live demo and Q&A

PromptROI Live Demo: Join Co-Founder Keith Carpenter for a live demo and Q&A

Get Your Writing Done Faster

How Does It Work?


Pick a Prompt

Choose from over 470+ prompts to write anything.


Answer Questions

Simply answer a few questions about your business.


Run the Prompt

Click the generate button and run the AI prompt in seconds.


Copy the Writing

Click Copy Text and use your writing wherever you want.

AI Tools for Teams of One or Many

Unleash your inner super hero and handle all your writing needs with one simple tool.





Interact With AI In Different Ways

AI Chat

With AI Chat you have the ultimate flexibility to interact with artificial intelligence.


Pre-made Prompts give you a strict path to the exact high quality output you want.


CoPilots provide a nice blend of focus and flexibility to get to your end result.

Use the Right Tool for the Job


Freestyle Chat

AI Chat is great when you just want to ask some questions and sort of freestyle with the models.


Guided Chat

CoPilots are perfect when you want a specific piece of content written and want to chat as well.


Single Response

Our pre-made custom prompt are great when you need a specific piece of content written quickly.

Customize Your AI Output with The Big 3

Brand Voice

Use our Simple Brand Voice creator to save your brand voice and inject it into any AI tools you use in the app.


Use the Custom Instructions creator to design a set of instructions to get the AI to sound just right.


Use the Target Audience description writer and save your audiences so you can write to any target fast.

Complete Control of Your Output

Stay On Brand

Create your own brand voice or multiple brand voices if you write for others. Always stay on brand when using AI with the ability to inject any brand voice into a prompt.

NOTE: Screenshot taken from a mortgage loan officer customer's account.

Inject Some Attitude

Create your own custom instructions or you can choose from one of our 20 pre-crafted instructions that allow you to inject any attitude and customize your output.

Connect Deeply

Create your own audience instructions describing your avatar. Make a stronger connection when using AI with the ability to inject any audience into a prompt.

NOTE: Screenshot taken from a real estate agent customer's account.

CoPilots Are AI Chats Focused on a Goal

Below you can see how a CoPilot works. Each CoPilot is programmed to do a certain job for you. Simply say hello and get to work. The CoPilot is trained to guide you each step of the way until you get the exact output you want customized to your business.

The One Pager: Raise Startup Money CoPilot Helps You Write a Customized One Pager in Minutes


Write hundreds of things for your business for $1 each.


Join Our Reseller Program

Become a part of our Reseller Program and unlock the potential to white label, create AI tools, and resell access to our platform. Whether you're an agency, freelancer, or entrepreneur, this program offers a lucrative opportunity to expand your offerings and boost your revenue.

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